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Mr.Ye Yujing

        Mr. YE Yujing ( 葉 玉 敬 ), aged 52, one of the founders of our Group, has been the Chairman and an Executive Director of our Company since its establishment on 18 December 1996. Mr. Ye has been appointed as the chief executive officer since 10 April 2012 and is primarily responsible for our Group’s development, strategic planning, positioning  and  overall  operational management. Mr. Ye is the husband of Ms. Ye Xiujin, the father of  Mr.  Ye  Guofeng, and  the  elder brother of  Mr.  Ye  Xian’s father. Mr.  Ye  completed a  two-year online education programme in  civil engineering offered by  China University of Geosciences( 中 國 地 質 大 學 ) in July 2007 and subsequently obtained his executive master of business administration (EMBA) from Xiamen University (廈門大學) in June 2016. Mr. Ye has over 30 years of experience in the civil engineering and construction industries.Prior to the establishment of our Company, Mr. Ye had worked as a sales executive in the second engineering department of Shenzhen Wenye Decoration Design Engineering Company Limited*(深圳市文業裝飾設計工程有限公司) (currently known as Shenzhen Wenye Decoration Design Engineering Joint-Stock Company Limited* (深圳市文業裝飾設計工程股份有限公司)) from January 1987 to January 1993, and as a manager in the Xincheng decoration department of Shenzhen Bao’an District Decoration Construction Consolidated Company Limited* (深圳市寶安區裝飾工程聯合公司新城裝飾部) from February 1993 to October 1996. Mr. Ye was a member of the sixth and seventh session of the  Luhe County Guangdong Province Committee of  the  Chinese People’s  Political  Consultative  Conference(CPPCC)  (廣東省陸河縣政協)).Mr  Ye  currently  is  a  member  of  the  5th  standing committee and the vice president of the Social Committee of the Futian District of Shenzhen Committee of CPPCC(深圳市福田區政協委員會)and  is  also a  member of  the  8th  Standing Committee of  the  Luhe County Guangdong Province Committee of CPPCC,a member of Shenzhen Committee, the vice president of the Public Administration Committee and the vice president of Futian Branch of Shenzhen Committee of China Democratic League ( 中 國 民 主 同 盟 ), and the honourable president of the Hong Kong Shanwei Luhe Overseas Association (香港汕尾市陸河海外聯誼總會), a standing director of the China Building Decoration Association (中國建築裝飾協會), the vice president of Federation of Shenzhen Industries,the vice president a of the Shenzhen Decoration Association,the executive vice president of Shenzhen City Fuyi Public Welfare Foundation (深圳市福醫基金會). Mr. Ye was awarded by CBD Association as “National Outstanding Entrepreneur of Building Decoration Industry* (全國建築裝飾行業優秀企業家) and “National Outstanding Project Manager of Building Decoration Industry* (全國建築裝飾行業優秀項目經理)  in December 2009 and June 2014 respectively. Meanwhile, Mr. Ye is appointed as a visiting professor from May 2015 to June 2018 of Jinling College of Nanjing University (南京大學金陵學院). He was qualified as a senior engineer (高級工程師) in May 2009 and acquired the Certificate of Registration of Constructor of the PRC (中華人民共和國一級建造師註冊證書) in February 2009.


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